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About SOMET 2022

The SOMET conference highlights and reflects the state-of-art and new trends in software methodologies, tools, and techniques. You are invited to participate to help build a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences to foster new directions in software development methodologies and related tools and techniques. This conference is focused on exploring innovations, controversies, and challenges facing the Software Engineering community today. The conference brings together theory and experience to propose and evaluate solutions to Software Engineering problems. The conference also provides a forum and an opportunity to assess the current state-of-the-art in intelligent Software techniques and to chart software science initiated from experience to theory. This workshop is an opportunity for us in the software science community to think about where we are today and where we are going.

The conference will be hybrid: it will be hold both online for those who cannot attend due to pandemic restriction, and on-sight for those who could make and able to attend.

Call For Papers


The conference was successfully ended.

Sept. 20 The conference program was revised,

            Paper ID  #11, #62 and #68 were moved from 1st day to 2nd day. Due to typhoon in Japan, some presentation will be chaned from onsite to online. 

Sept. 16 The book has been published, .


August 22nd, 2022: Program page is opened

July 29, 2022: Keynote speech is added.

March.22,2022: The deadline of paper submission was exteded.


- Call for Special Session Proposals is added.

- Call for papers of Special Session "Knowledge Science and Intelligent Computing (KSIC)" is added.

Important Dates

Paper Submission:

 May 6, 2022 (extended, HARD DEADLINE)

Notification of Acceptance: June 7, 2022

Camera Ready Paper:  

July 7, 2022

Conference Dates

 September 20-22, 2022


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Submission Details

Papers would be submitted through the CMT.
In the case of acceptance, please, send your Camera-Ready copy according to IOS format up to 12 A4 pages for Regular paper, and up to 8 pages for Short papers.
Note that the Final regular Camera Ready Copy paper size for accepted paper will be 12 pages, with the possibility to obtain optional more pages up to 8 additional pages (total allowed Camera Ready copy version 20 pages) if the paper is accepted.
The final Camera-Ready copy, for inclusion in the: Book series: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications and distributed at the conference.
This series is indexed in SCOPUS and selected by the Elsevier databases coverage.

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Vincenzo Loia

University of Salerno, Italy


Prof. Enrique Herrera-Viedma

University of Granada, Spain


Prof. Volker Gruhn

University of Duisburg-Essen

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University of Aizu
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Kitakyushu City
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